Social Responsibility
Environment Protection Public Welfare

CR Beverage has long been actively involved in water-related public welfare initiatives. Collaborating with multiple charitable organizations, they launched a "Water Public Welfare" campaign during "World Water Day" and "China Water Week."

Since 2006, CR Beverage has successively implemented a range of public interests-oriented practices, including implementation of "Protect White Dolphins, Care for 70% Water World" activity, "Protect the Pearl River, Build Harmony" themed exploration of the Pearl River across four provinces, release of the "Initiative on Social Responsibility of Chinese Bottled Water Enterprises", holding of the "Purify Water Ecosystem - Jointly Safeguard Water Safety" summit and national public service activities. Jointly with the Southern Weekly News, produced and presented a public service mini film called "Water Story - Yangtze River". Held a national public presentation conference themed on "Water Resource Protection". The intention of activities is to draw more public attention to the water ecosystem and improve the awareness of water resource protection. 

Through the multidimensional shared water protection platforms, CR Beverage has gathered more social efforts to fuel water protection activities. By continuing promotion and practice of such activities, it aims to arise more public awareness in this respect, so as to draw more public attention to engage more people in these activities. It advocates practice of water saving and protection, rational water extraction, reasonable water consumption and scientific water drinking, which is intended to make water public welfare a part of every person's life. 

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